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The Foundation & the Parents' Associaton

The Foundation & the Parents' Associaton

As soon as your child starts at Bladins, you as a parent or guardian become a member of the Parents’ Association (PA). The PA is made up of a steering committee (Presidium) and one or two class representatives from each class.


The Parents’ Association has a formal role of electing the Board of the School Foundation. We also act as an important communications link between parents and the school management and board in regards to general operational issues that may impact our children's learning environment or general wellbeing, such as for example the school food, school facilities and support initiatives or social programs.

We also take great pride in connecting new families to the social network of the Bladins community.

The current Presidium:  Nora McWilliam, Kate Pawlett-Quaak, Jesper Kristensen, Johanna Knigin-Westergren, Anna Holmblad & Josefin Båge


Each year we raise much needed funds for various school projects, improvements and initiatives through three major festivals and other gatherings. We also support events such as sports competitions, art & music performances and other celebrations. 

For example, we have sponsored the BISM MYP library, furniture in the corridors, contributions to school trips, plants and equipment to the playgrounds, leavers’ dinners and scholarships.

Your role and influence as a member of the PA


As mentioned, the PA Board consists of the class representatives of all four schools of the foundation as well as the 5-6 members of the presidium.

It is therefore important that the parents of each class appoint an interested and engaged class representative who is able to attend the 5 annual board meetings and who can receive and disseminate relevant information to both parents and the PA board alike. 

The Parents’ Association elects the board of the Bladins Foundation at the Annual General Meeting.

The candidates of the board are chosen through a 12 months process of recruiting and interviewing by the PA Nomination Committee (NomCom). The NomCom is a team of 4 qualified individuals that is selected and then voted in by the PA at the Annual General Meeting. 

The Foundation Org Chart.png
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